





来源: Innova Market Insights, 2014年1月 – 2018年12月


在英国,Skyr已经占据酸奶总销量的很大一部分,市场份额为24%。此外,Skyr在丹麦市场也占有很大份额,为20%然而,Skyr在其他国家的市场份额要低得多,瑞典为7%,德国与荷兰均为2%,这表明Skyr有着巨大的增长潜力(NielsenEU Market Scanning Data 2019)。

Skyr 市场份额

Source: Nielsen, scanning data 2019

Now you can produce a consumer preferred skyr on your separator processing line

So how can you take advantage of this growing market and make sure that your Skyr brand is top of the consumer’s mind? 

At Arla Foods Ingredients, we have developed Nutrilac® YO-4575 which allows you to satisfy consumers and produce Skyr efficiently on your separator processing line.

Optimise your skyr with tailored natural whey proteins

By adding Nutrilac® YO-4575 to your Skyr recipe, you can produce a Skyr on your separator processing line which follows the consumer preferences  on:

  • Creamy, full-bodied, and smooth mouthfeel
  • Heavy, shiny, and homogeneous texture 
  • Fresh taste with adequate sourness and taste intensity

Sensory evaluation of a separated Skyr, the consumer preferences for Skyr and our Delicious Skyr with Nutrilac® YO-4575 

Based on natural whey proteins, our tailored ingredient is incorporated in the protein network and supports with a softening, which results in a less firm structure and thereby a smooth mouthfeel.

Just what your Skyr brand needs to capture the limelight. 

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