Bakery expertise in action

Bakery expertise in action

Helping bakeries to perfect or reformulate their bakery products is our passion – and our strength.

Not long ago, a Southern European customer asked us for advice on how to solve issues with the texture and volume of a savoury bakery product. We started out as we always do – by discussing the challenge with the customer to understand as much about their product as possible, including issues experienced, potential causes, process parameters and the recipe used. Afterwards, we began experimenting with the customer’s recipe at our application centre – first replicating it, then exploring various adjustments.

After testing potential solutions, we’re usually able to get back to customers with specific recommendations within a week or two. As well as explaining the products we have added, we advise on alterations to processing parameters, such as changes in mixing or baking time.

In this case, no parameter changes were needed – our ingredients were enough to deliver what was required. We provided the customer with a detailed report that included our recommendations and arranged to send one of our technicians to their production site to see the solution through to its successful outcome: a high-volume treat with a delightful flavour release.

One of the most satisfying things for us as bakery application specialists is to see the surprise on industrial bakers’ faces when they experience the effect of the right protein-based ingredients in their recipes. It’s often simply not possible to achieve a similar effect using other ingredients, such as enzymes, for example.

The experience of one UK customer is a case in point. Keen to reduce sugar levels in their muffins without losing texture or flavour release, they could see that enzymes were clearly not the answer. When we helped them create a new recipe using milk proteins to support the texture and produce an even shorter bite, they were nothing short of amazed.

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