新鲜乳制品 新鲜乳制品 我们的新鲜发酵乳制品,融享健康和美味。您需要的仅是一条标准的酸奶生产线,来制作符合消费趋势且竞争优势较强的酸奶、新鲜奶酪和其他发酵乳制品及甜点。无论您想减少脂肪还是提高蛋白质含量,我们的天然Nutrilac®功能性牛奶蛋白有利于您的配方,可确保细腻的奶油感、丰富的口感和美好的乳品味道。 适应您的需求 Nutrilac®解决方案几乎适用于所有需求,无论是复原乳还是粘度控制。
新鲜乳制品 新鲜乳制品 我们的新鲜发酵乳制品,融享健康和美味。您需要的仅是一条标准的酸奶生产线,来制作符合消费趋势且竞争优势较强的酸奶、新鲜奶酪和其他发酵乳制品及甜点。无论您想减少脂肪还是提高蛋白质含量,我们的天然Nutrilac®功能性牛奶蛋白有利于您的配方,可确保细腻的奶油感、丰富的口感和美好的乳品味道。 适应您的需求 Nutrilac®解决方案几乎适用于所有需求,无论是复原乳还是粘度控制。
The product is exclusively associated with the MFGM fraction, and it has documented prebiotic and anti-pathogenic effects
Capolac® has a calcium-phosphate composition similar to that of bones and teeth, and is the best protein source for weight management
健康食品原料 有益于增进健康的原料 阿拉食品原料提供多种乳来源和乳清基成分,这些成分来源于最优质的牛奶。我们的原料是富含优质蛋白质和生物活性成分的天然来源,广泛用于重视健康的消费者的食品和饮品。 健康食品原料 Click to get in touch
Here you can get in touch with our experts within Health foods
The protein is maintained in its native form, keeping the valuable nutrients intact so that the health benefits remain. read more here
Learn more about our exciting natural organic applications that enable cheese manufacturers to launch organic products that offer multiple consumption possibilities
Pour all the goodness of organic milk into creamy cheese snacks for kids with Nutrilac® organic milk proteins.
Make cheese formulation with more than 50% less fat and is rich in protein. The high-quality whey proteins also deliver all the essential amino acids.
Learn here how to turn your acid whey waste into high-quality products
Nutrilac® whey proteins take cottage cheese to the next level – reducing fat to a minimum while maintaining a full-bodied creamy texture and taste.