Hydrolysates are proteins which have already been “broken down” to some level, meaning they are absorbed into the body faster more quickly
Hydrolysates are proteins which have already been “broken down” to some level, meaning they are absorbed into the body faster more quickly
牛奶蛋白 超前的健康食品 对于热爱运动和践行积极健康生活方式的人来说,蛋白质始终是最受关注的营养素。有力的科学证据表明,蛋白质在肌肉合成和恢复、饱腹感和体重控制中发挥着重要作用。但是,当今的消费者还在寻求具备有机、自然和有益健康特点的健康食品。 天然牛奶蛋白:纯精华 我们开发出了一种富含天然蛋白质的膜分离酪蛋白。该新型有机原料利用100%丹麦有机牛奶制成。我们采用了温和的膜过滤技术,
Lacprodan® HYDRO.Rebuild Lacprodan®HYDRO.Rebuild展现了乳清中公认的水解乳清蛋白优势。该蛋白质是粉末类应用的理想原料。
A new micellar casein isolate ingredient. Made from 100 percent Danish milk, the micellar casein isolate is gently extracted using a membrane filtration method, where no additives are required to aid
We developed Nutrilac® Ageless with healthy ageing in mind. High in whey protein and calcium, it is ideal for yoghurts, fermented desserts and ice cream.
High-protein yoghurt with Nutrilac® whey protein is a great way to meet consumer demand for more protein – with no issues in your yoghurt process.
Produce tasty Greek-style smoothies with up to 50% fruit and 7.5% protein using Nutrilac® whey protein – all on your existing yoghurt production line.
At Arla Foods Ingredients, we make clean-label solutions that are specially tailored to non-fat and low-fat yoghurts
Greek-style smoothies stay refreshingly fluid, even at a protein content of 7.5%